Five Years



Brooke married me five years ago today (photo below taken by our dear friend Yoon). A few things have changed since then. Brooke worked hard to transition to a great new career. We have a mortgage and a place we plan on calling home shy of forever. Oh, and we created human life. We have a beautiful son that embodies our love and will see our connection live on in at least one more generation if not through countless branches. Going from two to three has been the biggest change in the past five years, and some of that transition has been really hard for us. When you stand up in front of your friends and family and make a pledge to someone that will cover the next 60 years, you can only imagine the rest of your life abstractly. Our vows five years ago didn't touch on the self-doubt and frustration you take out on your partner when your inability to soothe a screaming infant frightens you. And I'm guessing there will be events in the next 55 years that are unimaginable to the current me, let alone the 28-year-old Channing. But I'm going to pat myself on the back for choosing a damn good partner (and being lucky enough she chose me). We're different people in more than a few ways, but there's no one I have more trust for, no one with a stronger instinct to support and nurture, no one with a better set of values, and no one that could be a better mom for Ellis. She also gives the best kisses. But! The trust, the values, the ability to nurture (I might require more than Ellis) all make a pretty good foundation for someone you'll never stop getting to know. Brooke is good for me. I'm trying my damndest to be as good for her.